How to Tell Time, Days, Months, Years in English and Hindi? अंग्रेजी, हिंदी में समय, दिन, महीने, वर्ष कैसे बताएं?
How to Tell Time, Days, Months, Years in English and Hindi? अंग्रेजी, हिंदी में समय, दिन, महीने, वर्ष कैसे बताएं? There are following Tell Time, Days, Months, Years in English and Hindi in below lines: 60 Second = 1 Minute 60 Minutes= 1 Hour 24 Hours = 1 Days 7 Days = 1 Week 4Weeks = 1 Month 12 Months = 1 Year 365 Days= 1 Year 52 Weeks = 1 Year 366 Days = 1 Year (Leap year) 10 Year = 1 Decade 100 Year = 1 Century Quarterly = Tramasik