The Greedy King Stories on Digitaledu4kids

The Greedy King

The value for the day is Contentment

Children, treat other people the way you want to be treated. Be happy with what you have. If you want something try and earn it. Don’t steal it from someone.

Greedy people are never happy in life. Their desires are never fulfilled. They are never satisfied.  Some people are always content with what they have. 

Some of them may even be poor, at they never crave other's possessions. They are always happy with what God has given them and lead a peaceful life.


Azia was the king of Syria. Unlike other kings, he was always ready to cheat his people to get whatever he wanted. He had everything he wanted except the beautiful garden of his poor neighbor. One day, his wife asked the reason for his sadness. He told his wife that he wanted a beautiful garden. But Aram, the owner was not ready to sell it to him. The queen said, “But you already have so many beautiful gardens. Why do you want this one.”

The king answered, “None of them is as beautiful as Aram’s gardens.” The queen was very wicked. She told the king a plan to get rid of Aram and his family.  Then he would own the beautiful gardens.

The next day, Azia called his soldiers and asked them to arrest Aram, his wife, and his daughter. “You have been found guilty of prying into the royal chambers of the queen.”

I order you to leave my country or face death, “said Azia. Aram tried to explain to the king that he had never been to that side of the palace where the queen’s chambers were. But, the king was not ready to listen to him. Aram and his family were sent to the borders of the country. The soldiers left them to die in the desert.

After walking for a long way, they saw a light flickering at a distance. They reached the light and knocked on the door of the hut. An old hermit opened the door invited them inside. Aram told his story to the hermit.

The hermit gave them food, water, and space to sleep in his hut. The next morning, The hermit told them to stay in his hut as he had to go to the city. He told them that they should not leave the hut.  He would bring them food and water. The hermit went straight to the king’s Palace. There he met the king and said, “O, King! Please help me. A terrible thing has happened. I have been created by my rich neighbor, who lives in a marble palace. He has thrown me out of my hut. I have come to you for justice.”

The king was very angry with the rich man who had done injustice to the hermit. He ordered his soldiers to fetch the rich man, “I vow that the man shall die.”

At that movement, the hermit said, “Arrest your king for he is the culprit.” He reminded the king about Aram and his family. The king felt ashamed of his behavior. He himself went with the hermit and embraced Aram. He apologized to him for his greed. The king built a beautiful house in front of the garden and gave that land to the Aram so that he could live comfortably. 

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